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Our first week at the lake has come and gone, but it was an event-filled week with our good friends visiting from San Francisco for the 4th.

I’ll keep the talking to a minimum this week because there are lots of pictures to share.

Starting with our last day in New York…Fearing a summer without museums, we spent our last day at The Met followed by a walk through Central Park….

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The next morning, we packed our bags, and set off on our 2-month journey…


It’s good to be here. No unpacking, no rush. Just time to settle into a summer full of lawn sprinklers and impromptu dances…

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…paddleboard fun…


…and napping like cats; swimming like ducks…

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Most of all, it’s about being on the water, belly-flopping and watching the sun go down.


Our friends arrived two days before the 4th, and brought one of the most fun gifts that we’ve ever received: bug hunting kits for all of the kids, which came with nets, magnifying glasses, and all sorts of other tools.

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After dinner on the deck, we stayed up late drinking wine and catching up. Sun greeted us the next morning and with rain in the forecast, we did as much as we could before the storms came through.

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The nice thing about bug catching kits is that you end up with someone showing you a magnified centipede in your living room…


Seeing dark clouds in the distance, we raced down to the beach for one last swim…


On the morning of the 4th, a few more families joined us for some food & booze (and not necessarily in that order.)

beer mustache

As to be expected with this many kids, there was some closet raiding and musical performances…

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And of course, there were s’mores.


This is pretty much how I felt after everyone left on Sunday morning.
pass out_FeedMeDearly

But it was worth the effort, it always is. Hope those who were celebrating enjoyed a happy (and rain free) July 4th weekend. We may have gotten our fair share of rain, but sometimes friends + a bottle of wine is all you need…

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