It’s likely that I’m snorkeling off the shore of some Caribbean island right now. So to stave off any jealousy or daggers thrown in my general direction, let’s pretend that we’re still in New York contending with Month 5 of sleet and snow.
Though the temps may have been lower than hoped this spring, it hasn’t stopped us from getting out and exploring the city on foot.
Emma was off on Spring Break last week, a full week earlier than the other kids. And since we’re traveling this week, she gets to skip a full week of school. Translation: that is SO NOT fair MOM.
I told Lauren that it wasn’t fair that she was born first and had my complete attention for the first two years of her life. And that she’ll get her driver’s license first. AKA zip it.
So back to last week. Emma knows not to broadcast what actually took place since it was nothing short of incredible.
Monday took this form: lunch–chocolate store–Sephora–nails.
We took a breather on Tuesday, just enough rest to recharge the batteries and prepare our feet for another day of walking.
On Wednesday we spent the day on the Lower East Side doing the following:
Park visit:

As if Monday’s visit to Lilac Chocolates didn’t provide us with enough sweets, we were determined to visit Economy Candy.
We headed off on Rivington and quickly realized that we were heading in the wrong direction. But in one of those fortuitous twists of fate, we ended up at the tip of the alley that leads down to Freemans Restaurant.