parsnips_FeedMeDearlyI admit that it’s only been of late that I’ve fallen completely and madly in love with parsnips. I used to lump them in with other categories of root vegetables, namely turnips, celeriac, and other knobby specimens. Which take some getting used to if you’re unfamiliar with their earthy taste. But the second I sautéed some peeled and trimmed parsnips in a little bit of butter on the stove, I realized that they live in a category all their own. There’s a honeyed sweetness to parsnips that makes them a joy to cook – not only because they’re delicious, but also because they fill the kitchen with a scent so comforting and familiar, you’ll wonder why they’ve never been in the regular rotation. The kids’ response? More of what seems to be the usual these days. 

ME: OK, What are these called? Does anyone know?

SAM: French fries?

ME: No, they’re not French fries

SAM: I’m gonna try.

ME: Want to smell it first?

SAM: Yes.

LAUREN: Don’t you dare spit it out. Handsome dudes don’t spit stuff out.

[chewing noises]

ME: Do you know what it’s called?


ME: It’s called parsnips.

EMMA: Eww.

ME: Did you smell it?

ME: It think they smell like honey. And so, to make it even taste a little bit more like honey, I cooked them with a tiny bit of honey and butter. Which I usually don’t do with mystery foods, but I thought I’d change things up a little. Want to try another, Sam?


ME: You don’t like it?

LAUREN: Drink your water cocktail. (aka sparkling water and apple juice)

ME: Yeah, drink your water cocktail.

LAUREN: What are you doing SAM?!

ME: He’s just going to get rid of it. He doesn’t want it. That’s fine.


ME: So nobody likes it?

EMMA: I like it.

ME: Did you try it too, Lauren?

LAUREN: I did.

ME: What do you think it tastes like?

LAUREN: It tastes Swedish.
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yellow cauliflower_FeedMeDearly

I wasn’t certain whether this cauliflower goes by the name of “orange cauliflower” or “yellow cauliflower” so I decided to look it up. Turns out that it has an interesting history involving Cornell University research and a mutant vegetable in Canada. If you want to learn more, check out the story on Saveur’s website. As for the results of our challenge this week? A cauliflower the color of cheddar cheese didn’t win any friends. Especially when one of the kids hates cheddar cheese. 

ME: Guys, I have something for you to try!

SAM: What is that?

ME: Orange Cauliflower. Yeah.

LAUREN: I’ve tried it before.

ME: Yeah? You have? When?

LAUREN: Yeah, you gave it to me one dinner.

ME: I did?

LAUREN: At New York.

ME: I don’t remember.

LAUREN: I tried it.

ME: Really?

SAM: Nooo I don’t like cauliflower!

ME: You’re just going to tell me what you think it looks like. Look how cute it is!

ME: So, you want a little piece. Here.


ME: Look how cute it is!

SAM: It looks like a… Noo, I don’t like it.

ME: Why don’t you smell it?

LAUREN: It smells like air.

ME: What do you think it smells like, Emma?

EMMA: It smells like… like beets.

ME: Interesting. Do you want to touch it?

EMMA: Nooo.
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sugar baby_FeedMeDearly

We’re getting towards the end of watermelon season but they’re still showing up at the markets, so if you want to try a few new varieties, now is the time. Just like the Yellow Doll that we tried a few weeks ago, this Sugar Baby Watermelon was a hit. The only problem: the seeds. Not a problem for adults, but when kids are involved, the seeds can be tough to work around. At leas the flavor compensated, resulting in a resounding “YES! LET’S GET THIS AGAIN!” 

ME: OK, do you guys remember what this is called?

LAUREN: Sugar baby.

ME: Sugar baby? And Sam, what do you think it’s going to look like on the inside?

SAM: Red.


EMMA: Red. That is in the inside.

Me: Ready?


ME: Does it look just like a regular watermelon?

LAUREN: Uh huh.

SAM: Let me try the first piece.

ME: Everyone gets a slice. Now, there are black seeds in this. OK? Do we eat the black seeds in this?

SAM?: No, they’re gross.

ME: OK, there you go. Who want’s the next?

LAUREN: I’ll try it.  It’s so good but it’s fresh with… but it’s…it’s fresh with…with… black seeds.

ME: What do you think Sam? Does it taste different from a regular watermelon?

SAM: It tastes sweeter.

ME: Maybe that’s why they call it Sugar Baby.
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I never really noticed the tiny hairs on raspberries until we tried golden raspberries and I was convinced that they were covered in mold. Not mold! Now if I had a $2,000 macro lens on my camera you’d be able to see what I’m talking about. Unfortunately – or fortunately – they just appear to be golden and delicious from the shot that you’re seeing above. Which they are, but you missed out on all of the faux mold fun. So husband, family, reader(s), if you a) care about me and b) would like to see more moldy-looking hairs on your fruit, feel free to support the macro fund and I’ll work on getting up close and personal with our fruit for you guys….

ME: What are these?

SAM: Raspberries!

LAUREN: They’re orange raspberries.

ME: Lauren’s right – they’re like orange raspberries. But maybe they have a name….

[paper rustling]

ME: Maybe my receipt says it. Carrots, carrots, celery, orange juice….Here we go! They’re called Golden Raspberries. That’s the name – Golden Raspberries. Cool right?

EMMA: Cool.

ME: OK, who’s going to smell it? Does it smell different from a red raspberry?

SAM: Smells the same.

ME: I can’t smell. You know why? [sniffling]

SAM: Because of your nose?

ME: Yeah, because just I burnt my nose by touching it with hot chili pepper hands. You guys all learned a lesson about hot chili peppers this summer, right? Well, sometimes mommies make mistakes too.
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First, can I get something off my chest? I have five fingers, just like most people. I do not have a pig trotter in place of a left limb as this picture suggests. And now that I think of it, manicures for animals could make for an interesting business plan. Under the gun to get dinner on the table and snap a quick pic of our mystery food challenge, I didn’t realize how trotterish my hand looked until I went to edit the picture this morning. Thank you for letting me clear that up, now let’s move on.

Not everyone loves watercress. I get it. It’s got a little attitude, a little bite. And it tends to show up to parties uninvited. My husband’s order at his favorite Mexican Restaurant? “Chicken burrito, hold the watercress”. In his mind, watercress ruins everything. I respectfully disagree, but thought that I’d give the kids the chance to weigh in.

Their response was not surprising.

ME: OK guys, we have a new mystery food tonight. What is the green thing called?

LAUREN: Lettuce.

SAM: Brussels sprouts.

ME: No, it’s not Brussels sprouts, it’s not lettuce. What you think it is?

EMMA: I don’t know.

ME: Have you seen it before?

LAUREN: (laughing)

ME: Sam always likes his greens.

(Emma ignores the watercress and picks up some sausage on her plate)

ME: We’re not trying the sausage yet. We’re only trying the green thing right now.

LAUREN: Eeeew.

ME: Wait, Sam likes it right? I love it. I love it so much.

SAM: It’s kind of spicy right?
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