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We’ve had so many guests in recent weeks that it feels empty at the lake when they leave.

But when I think about why we left the city for the summer, it’s for these moments. The quiet moments. The days that actually let you unwind.

The days when you get to explore new places…

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…stroll with the dog…


And watch the sunset from a new vantage point…

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I love the solitude that comes with these quiet moments. Life becomes less frenzied, giving us time to pause and appreciate the little things; puddles…


…a dog under the covers…


…pictures on the wall…


There’s time for creativity at the kitchen table…

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…and board games during the rain…

board games_FeedMeDearly

You can invent your own washing machine….

washing machine_FeedMeDearly

…and enjoy a solitary glass of wine…

wine drinking_FeedMeDearly

Yes, there are swim lessons…

swim lessons_FeedMeDearly

…berries to be picked…

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…and herbs to be plucked…
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But the simple pleasure of a long morning in bed, covers tossed, has at least been earned.

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