“Why are there handcuffs on my kitchen counter?”
“Guys, this room is a mess, can you help me clean up?”
“Does anyone want some hot chocolate before I pour my booze into it?”
Just a few of the conversations that happened over a very long 36 hours that was, according to Twitter, Instagram and all of the hashtag-using entities: #snowmageddon #winterstormjuno and the #blizzardof2015
Also known as….just your average Tuesday….or most hopefully, Chad Myers’ swan song.
Although it would be sad to see meteorologist Chad Myers go. I eagerly turn on CNN whenever we’re in the face of an impending storm. Simply to see him wild-eyed and foaming gently at the corners of his mouth, talking about Arctic highs and barometric drops. And, I might add, sourcing every other word from World Wrestling Entertainment. With all of the slamming, rocking, and pummeling, we could alternatively be talking about a Guns ‘n Roses concert or a fracking expedition in North Dakota.
So who hangs out with me couch-side when I’m watching these Emmy-worthy performances? That’s where it gets complicated.
Every television show needs its own tactfully-chosen viewing partner. It’s best to watch the tube with someone who’s properly attuned the show’s comedic vision. For ABC’s “The Bachelor”, that viewing partner is my husband. Some of our finest moments as husband and wife have been on the couch, glass of red in hand, voicing suspicions about who’d illegally snuck into our bachelor’s tent after hours. If I were to prioritize, watching these television moments together rank lower than the birth of our children, but might top our trip to South America.
For CNN – and yes, CNN does have a comedic vision…it just doesn’t know it yet – that viewing partner is my Mum.
Rodney, despite his strengths as a Bachelor accomplice, doesn’t think that CNN is funny. A wind-whipped newscaster plunging a yardstick into 3 inches of snow isn’t funny. Don Lemon riding around in the “Blizzardmobile” through the night, investigating a most unstory of stories, isn’t funny. Chad Myers yelling at his fellow newscasters and spiking his script on the ground, isn’t funny.
My Mum, bless her heart, thinks it’s hysterical. Which is why when a storm bears down on the East Coast, we swap phone calls and exchange notes – “did you see the woman with the giant thermometer?”
We’re lucky when we get to watch CNN together in person, which doesn’t happen as often as we’d like these days. So we’re forced to chat virtually; the silver lining of our phone conversations is that she doesn’t have to wonder whose handcuffs are lying on the kitchen counter (let the record state that they belonged to Sam) …or witness the mess that our living room becomes after 36 hours indoors. Or, heaven forbid, see with her bare eyes how much booze gets poured into my hot chocolate.
Some things are better left private. Others…well I’m happy to share a few moments from our experience with Winter Storm Juno last week:
The actual storm before the storm…
(Really, if there was a storm, it happened two days before Winter Storm Juno. Don’t ask me why this storm didn’t get a name…. Weathercasting is confusing even before you even start talking about divergent models and barotropic systems)

The calm before Juno…
OK, maybe we got a bit of snow…I’m being mean-spirited and malicious. Chad, I apologize. This was the official day of the storm:
….and I did get an extra day at home with the kids out of all of the hoopla. Which is always a good thing. Even when your home becomes a mess, forcing you to drink boozy hot chocolate for breakfast.
So that, friends, was winter storm Juno in a nutshell. I hope that everyone stayed warm and dry last week. CNN friends, I look forward to our next adventure. I’m getting the winter cocktails prepared already…
Hehehe! I love the pics – esp of Jackson! I also appreciate yours and your Mum’s sense of humour re: CNN!
WOW! great photos and loads of snow and we woke up to a tiny amount here in London and there is a big fuss on the news …unbelievable in comparison 🙂
Have a snowtastic week
It’s usually difficult to choose a favorite. Many of the photos stood out as being exceptional, but I would like to mention two in particular: 1. your daughter with the Oyster sign on the wall and 2. the last one of your boozy hot chocolate. 🙂
Aw, thanks Christina!
Your photos are amazing. You made Juno looks so pretty!
Thanks Merlinda!
Great shots. I love the one of the dog running, you so perfectly captured his joy. Hope you’ve been able to dig out a bit.
That’s about what it looks like here too! Cold but beautiful!
Many lovely photos, the black and white just makes them even more interesting. They don’t make me miss the snow LOL…
We are still suffering in the heat. Although it has now rained which has just made everything rather humid. Would love to swap places with you right about now.
Great photos. We are in a drought here in the SF Bay Area. Wish I could be in the snow once in my life.
Hari OM
It makes mono-shots worth their weight in … white stuff… I’m not picking a favourtite… oh all right you twisted my arm and tempted me with boozy chocky – Jackson wins!!! YAM xx
Jackson always wins, it isn’t fair to be so handsome, but some beings are just born that way…
I not like many people, Love the snow and miss it, now living in the desert! Great shots!!!
Thanks for hosting again this week!
Have a great day!
Did I say, I love the photo with your little girl with the snow falling!!!!
Thanks Karren!
I love all these shots! The dog, the kids, the snow! Awesome!
Beautiful photos. Love that CNN! xo
Stunning snow shots! We’ve been drinking lots of Irish coffees with cool whip on top, and we’ve gotten less than an inch of snow.
Wow. That’s a lot of snow!
We got 20 inches in IL, so I can relate. Lots of chocolate chip cookies for me and hot tea.
Snow in B&W. Excellent choice. Loved the pic of yr 3 kiddos against the wall in snowfall.
Love your snow shots! So much fun!
Knoxville, TN would NOT know how to handle this kind of snow accumulation. That’s a proven fact with the Blizzard of ’93. The main streets were cleared easily, but back streets forget it. We were shut in our quiet neighborhoods till the sun appeared to lend the city a hand with melting the snow off the road. Nice photos of the big blizzard and fun moments spent with the fam!
Come join me today at Curious as a Cathy!
Fantastic pictures – they really made me shiver!
Gorgeous shots! We’ve had 3 storms here in Maine, including Juno. Another one on its way. Kinda crazy, but at least it’s pretty!
It never fails. More amazing photos! What are those white chunks you put in the hot chocolate? They aren’t marshmallows, are they?
Thanks Diana! They’re homemade orange blossom marshmallows; I wish that I could say that I made them but I actually picked them up at Foragers Market here in NYC…
I suppose its better to plan for the worse and hope for the best. 😉 Glad it all turned out okay for you. Gorgeous photos as always Jessica!
Happy WW!
I use to love those snow days with my kids too. You don’t get a whole lot of them
Ugh. We got about 15″ here in SW Ontario. and 3 more ” last night. STOP SNOWING!! lol
I’m going out in about 1/2 hour for a drive to take photos.
Wow. Snowmageddon or not, those are some beautiful black and white winter photography!!! I just loved them all!
Thanks so much Janice 🙂
Fabulous photos but it sure looks really, really cold! I miss the snow until I see pictures like that and hear about the horrible blizzards, like the storm you just had… Then I remember why I choose to like in the Phoenix Metro area! 😉 Stay all bundled up, warm and cozy, or as warm and cozy as possible!
Thank you for linking up to the Oh My Heartsie Girls Wordless Wednesday Linky Party!
Wishing you a fabulous week!
Much love,
Lysa xx
Welcome to My Circus
Thanks so much Lysa!
Wow, snow is so beautiful in pictures, but I hate the cold! Thanks so much for linking up at Wordless Wednesday this week. We love partying with you! Enjoy the rest of your week!
I enjoy looking at other peoples snow. It always looks so beautiful. We just have rain. And mud.
We haven’t had any snow the south west UK so I love looking at everyone else snow photos.
I too love the photo of your girl alone in the snow but I must say that the indoor photo of your girls playing on a bare floor with their horses brought a pang of nostalgia…it reminds me of a photo of my sister and myself. We were in our bare apartment on the last day at home in Germany round Christmas before our family emigrated to Australia.
Thanks for the memories
Alexa-asimplelife from Sydney, Australia
Of course, and thanks for your sweet note, what a lovely memory!